Saturday 4 April 2015

Motaboondi Ladoo

Category:             Sweets
Cooking time:      40 minutes
Serves:                 4

Mota Boondi ladoo is a very famous Indian dessert. This is usually made during
festival times and marriages. Made with besan, fried in oil and are soaked in sugar


1/2 kg  Besan flour                            

3 litres Water                                    

300 grams Ghee                                      

1/2 kg Sugar                                    

100 grams Nuts , chopped

Cardamom for the taste.


1. Make a thin paste of besan flour with a litre of water.

2. Heat ghee in a kadhai. Pour the besan paste with the help of jara.

3. As it falls into the ghee, boondi will be formed.

4. Fry for a few minutes and strain out the boondi.

5. Mix sugar with two litres of water and heat. Stir till sugar syrup is formed.

6. Remove from the heat and add cardamom.

7. Add boondi and mix well. Allow to cool, then make round ladoos with your hands.

8. Garnish with chopped nuts.


Apply some ghee to your hands before making the ladoo round shape.


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