Friday 17 April 2015

Mushroom Manchuria

Category:          Starter/side dish
Cooking time:   45 minutes
Serves:             4

Mushroom manchuria is one of the popular Indo-Chinese starter recipe served with
fried rice. Its tempting and tastes delicious.


1/2 kg mushrooms

1 cup corn flour

1 cup maida

1 tsp chilli powder

A pinch red colour

2 tbsp chopped ginger

2 tbsp chopped garlic

2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste

10 chopped green chillis

1/2 cup tomato sauce

2 tsp soya sauce

1 tsp white venegar

2 tbsp chopped spring onions

Oil for frying

Salt to taste.


1. Mix corn flour and maida with some water and make a thick batter.

2. Heat oil in a heavy pan.

3. Dip the mushrooms in the thick batter, fry them and keep aside.

4. After a minute put the fried mushrooms in a frying pan and fry them for a couple
    of minutes and strain.

5. Add ginger garlic paste, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, chopped chillies and
    fry on medium flame till the raw smell goes. Do not brown them.

6. Now add all the sauces and salt together and boil it just for a second and remove
    from the flame.

7. Add it to the fried mushrooms and garnish with chopped spring onions.

8. Serve hot.


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