Wednesday 8 April 2015

Radish Masoor Dal

Category:            Dals
Cooking time:     30 minutes
Serves:               4

Dals are the best natural source of protein. Masoor dal is simple, east and is commonly
cooked in Indian household. Mostly it is served with steamed rice or jeera rice.


1 cup masoor dal

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

3 tsp oil

1 cup shelled peas

1 radish

2 dry red chillies

Salt to taste


1. Scrape the radish and cut into one inch thin long pieces.

2. Heat the oil and fry the dal foe 2-3 minutes. Lower the flame and mix the vegetables
    and stir-fry for other 2-3 minutes.

3. Add half cup of water and mix in the spices. Cook on a medium flame for 3 minutes.

4. Add 3 cups of water. Then add salt to taste. Lower the flame, cover with a lid and cook
    on a low flame till the dal is done and preparation is slightly thick.

5. Take pan, heat 1 tbsp oil, mustard seeds, cumin seeds and finally dry red chillies.

6. Add this tadka to dal. Serve hot with puris or parathas.


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