Friday 17 April 2015

Tomato and Mushroom Risotto

Category:         Starter
Cooking time:  30 minutes
Serves:             2      

Tomato and mushroom risotto is a north Italian dish. Easy to make and filled full
of flavors. Creamy calorie-rich rice dish.


1-1/2 cup rice (arborio rice)

3 medium size tomatoes

12 mushrooms

1 tsp butter

10 cherry tomatoes

1/4 cup cheese

1/2 tsp pepper powder

1 cup skimmed milk

2 cups vegetable stock

1/4 cup white wine.


1. Wash the rice for making risotto (there is no need to soak the rice).

2. Blanch the tomatoes by putting them in boiling water for 10 seconds and transfer them
    to a bowl of cold water.

3. Remove skin and deseed them. Chop finely.

4.  Soak the mushrooms in hot water, drain and roughly chop them.

5. In a thick-bottomed pan, heat half of the butter on medium heat and add the
    chopped tomatoes. Saute them till they are cooked.

6. Add the chopped mushrooms and stir-fry.

7. Add the rice and saute for 4 minutes and then add white wine cook on high flame
    for a couple of minutes, stirring frequently.

8. Stir in stock followed by half the quantity of skimmed milk.

9. Reduce heat and cook on medium flame, stirring continuously.

10. Cook the rice till it is done, stirring all the time.

11. Add salt and pepper.

12. Just before serving add the grated cheese, remaining butter and skimmed milk to
      give it a creamy texture.

13. Garnish it with cherry tomatoes and serve hot.

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