Wednesday 8 April 2015

Sesame And Fresh Garlic Beans

Category:         Side Dish
Cooking time:  20 minutes
Serves:             4


400 grams beans

2 tbsp sesame seeds

2 tbsp oil

50 grams fresh green garlic (or) 2 tsp garlic powder

2 tsp pepper powder

Salt to taste.


1. Thread the beans and cut into diagonal pieces.

2. Chop the garlic with the green portion, into tiny pieces.

3. Heat the oil, stir-fry the beans foe 3 minutes. Lower the flame, and cover with a lid.

4. Cook til the beans are tender.

5. Remove from fire and keep aside.

6. To the same oil, add the chopped garlic or garlic powder.

7. Add the sesame seeds allow them to splutter for 30 seconds.

8. Mix in the cooked beans and toss.

9. Tastes best with rice or noodles.


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