What is the best way to cook fish?
 Never overcook the fish. Overcooking spoils the texture and flavour of the fish. 
Fish is cooked as soon as it loses its translucent appearance and turns opaque. 
To test, insert a fork into the thickest part of the flesh.

Pros and cons about coconut oil:
Coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fibre, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6. 
Coconut milk is derived from the flesh of the coconut. Coconut milk is an essential
 ingredient in Southeast Asian dishes. 
A good substitute for coconut milk in my view is nut cream from any soft nuts, but i 
like the cashews the best. Pureed silken tofu is another best substitute for coconut milk.

Pros and cons about salad:
Advantages of salads: They build your bones, sharpen your eyesight and protect your 
heart from several diseases.
Salads should be refrigerated at all times until serving. Keep leftover salads closed 
tightly in salad bag or airtight containers. Salad should be eaten within two days 
after opening.

How safe is deep-frying?
Deep-fried food is generally considered unhealthy, but this depends on the type of 
oil used. Extra light olive oil and sunflower oil have high smoke points, making them 
a good option for deep frying.
You are better off baking, roasting, grilling or steaming your food instead of frying it. 
Frying food increases your fat and calorie intake. Fried food increases your risk for
numerous health problems.

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