Tuesday 24 March 2015

Besan Ladoos

Category:           Sweets
Cooking time:    30 minutes
Serves:                4


100 grams Besan

20 grams Suji

100 grams Castor sugar

2 grams Green cardamon (powder)

60 grams Ghee

Turmeric powder a pinch.


1. Heat ghee in a kadai.  Add besan, suji, and fry.

2. Keep stirring so that no lumps are found.

3. Continue frying suji and besan till lightly browned.

4. Remove from fire, add turmeric powder, let it cool.

5. Then add castor sugar and mix well.

6. Add cardamom powder and mix well.

7. Take small portions and make round shape ladoos.


Apply few drops of ghee to your palm and make the round shape ladoos.

             ...................................ENJOY YOUR DISH..................................................

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