Monday 2 March 2015

Spring Rolls Recipe.

Category:             Snack
Cooking Time:     25-30 minutes.
Serves:                 4.

Spring roll is a Chinese recipe with an exciting blend of different kinds of 
vegetables and spices, sealed inside the roll wrapper. Non deep-fried,but 
still its tasty and crunchy.  Perfect for the party.


2 cups Maida 
Salt to taste                                                                                


Bread Crumbs

1 chopped Onion             

1/4 cup grated Cabbage

1/4  cup chopped Capsicum

1/4 cup grated Carrots


  1. Boil the vegetables and drain.

  2. Fry the onions.

  3. Add the vegetables and fry till there is absolutely no water.

  4. Add salt and pepper.

  5. Make a thick smooth batter of maida, egg and salt.

   6. Pour a double spoon of the batter in a non-stick pan, spread it out.

   7. Flip over. Keep it aside.

   8. When cool, put a portion of the vegetables in it.

   9. Make a role of it. Coat with bread crumbs and deep fry.

  10. Make slits into it.

  11. Pour chilly sauce and ketchup into the slits.

  12. Garnish with onion rings.  

  13. Serve hot. 

                       .............................ENJOY YOUR DISH.......................................

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