Monday 9 March 2015

Sweet Papaya Chutney

Category:        Chutneys
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves:            4   persons

Chutney is most important part of  Indian cuisine. Chutney refers to miced foods,
usually made of coconuts. This delicious sweet, sticky and fruity chutney made
with papaya is very tasty.


100 grams Papaya

100 grams Pineapple

100 grams Capsicum (red)

100 grams Onion

100 grams Tomatoes

25 grams Ginger

100 grams Sugar

2 tbsp. White vinegar

1 Green chilly


1. Peel papaya and pineapple.  Make small pieces of them.

2. Then cut the tomatoes, capsicum and onions.

3. Heat the pan and add sugar.  Pour equal quantity of water.

4. Boil this to thick syrup.

5. Add papaya, pineapple, tamato, green chilly and onion pieces to it.

6. Mix them well and boil it on low flame until it becomes thick paste.

7. After cooling the chutney, store it in a glass jar and can be refrigerated.

8. This sweet chutney can be served with chapati, puri or you can spread it on
    bread also.


Once you add the papaya, pineapple, onion, and tomatoes make sure you stir
it continuously.

............................ENJOY YOUR DISH.....................................

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