Monday 23 March 2015

Olive And Orange Salad

Category:          Salads
Cooking time;   30 minutes
Serves:              2

Quick, easy and delicious. Salads are known to be rich in Vitamins.


3 Oranges

100 grams Black olives (pitted)

1 tbsp Fresh coriander (chopped)

1 tbsp Parsley (chopped)

30 ml Olive oil

15 ml Lemon juice

1/2 tsp Paprika

1/2 tsp Ground cumin

200 grams Iceberg lettuce


1. Peel the orange, cut into wedges. Place the orange in salad bowl.

2. Add the black olives, coriander, parsley and lettuce.

3. Blend together olive oil, lemon juice, paprika and cumin.

4. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently.

5. Chill it for about 20 minutes and serve.

.......................................ENJOY YOUR DISH.........................................

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