Thursday 26 March 2015

Masala Baingan curry


Category:          Main course
Cooking time:   30 minutes
Serves:              4

Brinjal baingan curry is very famous and a delicious Indian curry served in the
main course. This is the recipe packed with many flavors. Its a great side dish
for the coconut rice and vegetable pulao.


1/2  kg  Brinjals                          

3  tbsp Peanuts (roasted)            

2  Onion (medium size)      

2  Tomato (medium size)    

3   tbsp Coconut powder              

1   tbsp Coriander powder          

1   tbsp  Cumin powder                

1   tbsp Red chilli powder            

1/2 tbsp  Turmeric powder            

1  tbsp Sesame seeds                  

3  tbsp Tamarind juice                

2  tbsp Oil                                    

Coriander for garnishing.

Salt  to taste


1. Wash the brinjals and make two criss cross slits in it. Do not cut the stem.

2. Grind all the masala ingredients together into a paste. Add salt and tamarind
     juice as your taste.

3. Stuff the masala to the brinjals and keep them aside.

4. Heat the pan, pour oil and add the remaining masala. Keep the flame on low
    to avoid burnings.

5. In a few minutes oil separates from the masala then add stuffed brinjals. Add water.

6. Gravy should not be too thin. Cook till the brinjals are well done on a medium flame
    by closing the lid.

7. Once the brinjais are done, garnish with coriander.


Once you cut the brinjals, don't forget to soak them in salt water.

                                               .......................ENJOY YOUR DISH.......................

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