Tuesday 3 March 2015

Fruit Chat


Category:          Salad
Cooking time:   15 minutes
Serves:               2

Fruit chat is a delicious refreshing salad with different kinds of fresh fruits and spices. This pre-dessert course is tossed with Indian chat masala before serving. Quick and easy to make. Full of vitamins and healthy to eat.


1 Apple

Bunch of grapes

1 Guava

1 Long cucumber

1 Banana

1/2 cup Pomegranate seeds

1 tbsp Lemon juice

Black salt according to taste

Pepper powder a pinch

1 tsp Chat masala

1 tsp Mint leaves (chopped)


1. Slice the banana and the cucumber.

2. Cut the apple and guava into small cubes.

3. First place the hard fruits in the bowl and top them with banana and cucumber slices.

4. Add pomegranate seeds.

4. Pour lemon juice and sprinkle the black salt.

5. Add pepper powder.

6. Toss it like you toss salad.

7. Sprinkle chat masala just before serving.

8. Garnish with mint leaves.

..................................................ENJOY YOUR DISH.....................................

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