Wednesday 11 March 2015

Malabar Fish Curry

Category:         Main course
Cooking time:  30 minutes.
Serves:              4

Malabar fish curry is a very popular and traditional non-vegetarian Kerala curry, prepared with milk coconut. It is cooked with various Indian spices and it tastes superb with white rice.


1 kg Fish fillets ( cut into chunks)

500 ml Coconut milk

2 tsp Vegetable oil

1 tsp Coriander powder

2 tsp Chilli powder

1/2 tsp Fenugreek seeds ( roasted)

1/4 tsp Turmeric

7 Garlic pods (thinly sliced)

1/2 inch Ginger (sliced fine)

5 Tomatoes

2 Onions

2 Green chilli ( finely sliced)

8 Curry leaves

2 tsp Coconut oil (optional)


1. Clean the fish and keep it aside.

2. Take a bowl, mix coconut milk and all the powdered spices in it.

3. In a shallow pain, heat 2 tsp of oil and saute the sliced onions, garlic, and ginger.

4. Now add the tomatoes and a little water.

5. Allow the tomatoes to cook.

6. Add fish pieces and slowly turn over in the gravy, make sure not to break them.

7. After a few minutes add coconut milk mixture and simmer gently on low heat.

8. You should not allow the curry to boil.

9. Garnish with fried curry leaves.

10. Serve hot.


Make sure you should not allow the curry to boil or else coconut milk will curdle.

..............................................ENJOY YOUR DISH.........................................

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