Tuesday 31 March 2015

Bisibele Bhath

Category:                            Main course
Cooking time:                     45 minutes
Serves:                                4

Bisihele bath is a South Indian cuisine with rich spices, hand-grated masalas
and pungent aromas. Its a recipe that form a whole meal in itself and highly


500 grams Rice

500 grams Toor dal

50 grams Brinjal

60 grams Onions chopped

60 grams Carrot

50 grams Tamarind

4 nos Dry red chilli

4 nos Green chilli slit

10 grams Fenugreek seeds

20 grams Coriander seeds

20 grams Mustard seeds

50 grams Cashew nuts

10 grams  Sanuf (aniseeds)

10 grams Garam masala (poppy seeds, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom)

3 grams Asafoetida (hing)

40 grams Khus Khus (poppy seeds)

6 - 7 nos Curry leaves

50 ml Ghee

1/2  tsp Turmeric powder

2 tsp Grated coconut

Salt to taste.


1. Peel the onions and cut the vegetables into big pieces (cut the vegetables into
    2.5 cm pieces).

2. Wash the rice and dal.

3. Add rice, dal, little turmeric powder and chopped vegetables in a pressure
    cooker with water and cook till the rice is done.

4. Heat 2 tsp ghee in a frying pan then add 2 dry red chillies, fenugreek seeds,
    coriander seeds, and grated coconut then add khus khus, cloves, cinnamon,
    cardamom, and sonuf.

5. Shallow fry all the above pan ingredients and powder them.  Keep it aside.

6. Soaked tamarind in a little water and extract juice. Keep aside.

7. Heat the ghee in a pan, add onions, add remaining dry red chillies, mustard
    seeds, curry leaves, and green chillies.

8. When the mustard seeds crackles, add to the rice and mix well. Add tamarind juice
     and salt to taste, mix thoroughly.

9. Again take the pan and add ghee and fry cashew nuts till golden brown in colour,
    add this to rice along with powdered ingredients and masala powder. Mix well,
    remove from fire.

10. You could also add ghee just before serving.


Bisi bele bath masala is available in grocery stores also. So if you do not have much
time on hand, you can use the masala available.

 ............................................ENJOY YOUR DISH.....................................  

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