Wednesday 11 March 2015

Hot Grilled Prawns

Category:         Starter
Cooking time:  30 minutes
Serves:              4

Hot grilled prawns is a quick and easy starter to prepare. It tastes delicious and does
not take much time to cook.


16 Jumbo prawns (peeled)

4 tbsp Lemon juice

Salt to taste

1 tsp Chilli powder

4 Garlic pots (crushed)

1 tsp Brown sugar (powdered)

3 tsp Butter

2 tbsp Coriander (freshly chopped)


1. Slid the prawns and remove the vein.

2. In a bowl mix the ingredients until well blended.

3. Add the prawns, turn to coat well then leave to marinade for 1 hour.

4. Pre-heat the grill to hot.

5. Transfer the prawns together with their marinade, to a shallow ovenproof dish large
    enough to take them in one layer.

6. Grill for 10 - 15 minutes turning and basting (brushing) several times during the
    cooking with butter.

7. Serve hot.


Basting (brushing) several times with butter is important during cooking intervals.

.............................ENJOY YOUR DISH.....................................

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