Tuesday 31 March 2015

Makkai Ki Seekh

Category:           Snack / part of main course
Cooking time:    30 minutes
Serves:               4

Makkai ki seekh is traditional South Asian cuisine. These make mouthwatering starters
and are good for a party.


3 Potatoes (boiled)

3 Carrots (boiled)

50 grams Sweet corn (boiled)

10 grams Green chillies

5 grams Black pepper

Some coriander leaves (chopped)

5 grams Red chilli powder            

5 grams Coriander powder

5 grams Garam masala

2 tbps Cornflour

20 grams French beans (boiled)

20 grams Green peas (boiled)

6 Sticks (skewer)

Oil for frying

Salt to taste


1.  Mince all the boiled vegetables and add chopped coriander leaves, chopped
     green chillies, sweet corn, salt, red chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala
     and cornflour.

2. Put sufficient portion of the mixture on sticks and fry in oil until they are golden

3. Serve with onions and mint chutney.


Grill, sticks, metal or bamboo kebab skewers (if using bamboo skewers, soak in water
for 30 minutes before using)

         .........................................ENJOY YOUR DISH..................................................

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