Saturday 14 March 2015

Coconut Custard

Category:            Dessert
Cooking time:     30 minutes
Serves:                4

Coconut custard is a delicious desert, easy and simple to make. Its thick,
creamy and filled completely with lots of dry fruits and fresh cream.


500 ml Milk

2 tbsp Custard powder

3 tbsp Sugar

2 tbsp Coconut (desiccated)

2-3 Green cardamom (crushed)

2 tbsp Raisins (kismis)

1 tsp Ghee

For garnishing:

5 Cashews

5 Almonds

1 tbsp Fresh cream


1. Take 1/2 cup of milk in a small bowl, dissolve the custard powder, mix well
    and keep aside.

2. Heat the pan and boil the milk. Pour the dissolved custard powder milk into the
    boiling milk.

3. Stir continuously, until the milk is thick.

4. Add sugar, desiccated coconut, green cardamom and raisins.

5. Stir well. When done, remove from the flame and cool it.

6. Garnish the dish with fresh cream and with shallow fried cashews and
    almonds in ghee.

7. Place in the refrigerator and serve chilled.

....................................ENJOY YOUR DISH..........................................

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