Monday 9 March 2015

Cubed Potato Fry

Category:         Snacks
Cooking time:  20 minutes
Serves:             2   persons.

Cubed potato are shallow fried and tossed with some Indian spices. This can be
served for the breakfast or they are just perfect for the tea time. Simple and easy to
make with in a short period.


4 big Potatoes

1/2 tsp Amchur powder

1/2 tsp Chilli powder

1/2 tsp Jeera powder

1/2 tsp Kala namak

1/2 tsp Dhaniya powder

Haldi a pinch

6 Green chillies

Salt to taste.


1. Half- boil the potatoes and cool them.

2. Peel and cut into cubes.

3. Heat oil and shallow fry the cubes in a frying-pan till golden brown.

4. Sprinkle all the masalas over the potatoes and mix well.

5. Slit the green chillies and fry in oil.

6. Garnish with green chillies.

7. Serve hot.


Mix all the dry ingredients in a blow and then sprinkle on the potatoes.

.....................................ENJOY YOUR DISH.....................................

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