Tuesday 17 March 2015

Murg ki Raan

Category:          Starter
Cooking time:   30 minutes
Serves:               4

Murg hi raan is a perfect dish for starter.  Chicken legs are marinated in the curd and lime juice with some spices and it is done on tandoor or oven.


4 Chicken legs

2 tbsp Vinegar

10 grams Ginger paste

10 grams Garlic paste

100 grams Coriander leaves chopped

50 grams Mint leaves

8 to 10 Curry leaves (fried)

20 grams Green chillies

2 Lemon (juice)

100 grams Hung curd

4 tbsp Oil

Salt to taste.

For marination:

First, make cuts in the chicken and then add salt, vinegar, 1/2 tbsp ginger garlic paste, and keep aside an hour.

For making batter of chicken:

1. Take coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chillies, and make a paste of them.

2. Add hunk curd, lemon juice, salt, ginger garlic paste and 3 tbsp of oil to this paste.

3. Apply this  batter to the chicken legs and fix them on the skewer (long metal rod).

4. Put them in the tandoor.

5.  If a tandoor is not available, put them in the oven at 100 degrees C for 10 to 15 minutes.

6.  Serve with onion rings and mint chutney.

7.  Garnish with fried curry leaves.

...............................ENJOY YOUR DISH...........................

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