Saturday 7 March 2015

Kesaria Kheer

Category:         Sweets
Cooking time:  30 minutes
Serves:             2
Kesaria kheer is a popular north Indian desert made of basmati rice and milk.  Its a delightful treat after dinner. Lots of dry fruits are added for a richer taste.


1 litre Milk

1 tbsp Basmati rice

4 tbsp Sugar

Saffron a pinch

2 Cardamoms (crushed)

For garnishing:

Some almonds and cashew nuts.


1. Wash and soak rice for 15 minutes.

2. Drain and put it in boiling milk, lower the flame and keep stirring until the milk

    reduces to half.

3. Add sugar and stir well.

4. When thick, add saffron and cardamom powder.

5. Serve hot or cold. as your wish.

..................................................ENJOY YOUR DISH....................................................

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